Our drum handling Products
Model: DL-250/ DL-350
1) To transport drums from ground or pallet and move within narrow space
2) No direct contact on toxic drums
3) Design for steel drums only
1) To transport drums from ground or pallet and move within narrow space
2) No direct contact on toxic drums
3) Design for steel drums only

Product Features
Light and compact
Easy to operate
Safe and reliable
2) No direct contact on toxic drums
3) Design for steel drums only
Customer Benefits
2) Eliminate hands to contact on toxic drums
3) Eliminate damages on drum
4) Eliminate ergonomic and safety issue
5) Eliminate forklift usage in EX area
Reason of Design
2) Efficiency in time, money, energy and wastage
3) Eliminate environmental issues related to ISO 14001
4) Eliminate safety issues related to OSHAS requirements
Suitable Industries
1) Warehouse/Storage
2) Pharmaceutical
3) Food
4) Beverage
5) Cosmetic
2) Pharmaceutical
3) Food
4) Beverage
5) Cosmetic
6) Printing
7) Rubber
8) Electronic
9) Oil/Gas
10) Chemical
7) Rubber
8) Electronic
9) Oil/Gas
10) Chemical
Case Studies
(Based on real experience by customers)

Drum Porter DL-350
Drum Porter DL-350 ~ A printing factory in Shah Alam as an in-house printer for magazines and books. They were using cooking gas cylinder trolleys to carry drum containing inks all these while. They involved 2 workers to transfer the drum from destination A to B which is less than 1km but the road condition is very bad with a lot of holes and humps, in which their workers have to be extra cautious because the drum might fall due to the imbalance of this bumpy journey. After introducing our drum porter DL-350, not only solved the spillage problem, the entire process involved only 1 worker instead of 2 due to our drum porter designed to be more secured with heavier weight. After using our drum porter DL-350, the consumer finds this product very handy and efficient.