Our drum handling Products
Model: DL-250MD / DL-350MD
1) To transport drums from ground or pallet and move within narrow place
2) No direct contact on toxic drums
3) Design for steel and selected plastic drums
1) To transport drums from ground or pallet and move within narrow place
2) No direct contact on toxic drums
3) Design for steel and selected plastic drums

Product Features
2) No direct contact on toxic drums
3) Design for steel and selected plastic drums
Customer Benefits
2) Eliminate hands contact on toxic drums
3) Eliminate damages on drum
4) Eliminate ergonomic and safety issues
5) Eliminate forklift usage in EX area
Reason of Design
2) Efficiency in time, money, energy and wastage
3) Eliminate environmental issues related to ISO 14001
4) Eliminate safety issues related to OSHAS requirements
Suitable Industries
1) Warehouse/Storage
2) Pharmaceutical
3) Food
4) Beverage
5) Cosmetic
2) Pharmaceutical
3) Food
4) Beverage
5) Cosmetic
6) Printing
7) Rubber
8) Electronic
9) Oil/Gas
10) Chemical
7) Rubber
8) Electronic
9) Oil/Gas
10) Chemical
Case Studies
(Based on real experience by customers)

Drum Porter DL-350MD ~ A semiconductor manufacturing plant in Negeri Sembilan having issues handling their solvent which comes in a form of plastic drums. A minimal number of plastics drums have to be stored in a special confined chemical storage room where large equipment such as forklifts are not able to enter. Manual transferring of drums into the storage room has been prohibited due to accident which took place and resulted to chemical injury to one of the worker due spillages from the drum. After using our drum porter, there were zero accidents reported and the workers find this product so safe to use, handy and light.